
By taxi
By taxi

There are a few taxi services in the city. You can call and "order" one to your location. The drivers may not speak English, but should be able to get you where you want to go. Trips usually cost somewhere between 1-2000 Forints within the city.

Szeged Taxi: 62 333-333

Tele-4 Taxi: 62 444-444

Gábriel Taxi: 62 555-555

By public transport
By public transport

For the size of the city, Szeged has a really good public transportation network. Within the city you can get around by cabs taxi, trams villamos, trolley buses trolibusz or autobus autóbusz. If you wish to use these types of public transportation, you will need to find out about their routes, stops and schedules. During the work week, in the busy hours, within the city, most public transportation vehicles will leave every 10-15 minutes.